6 Reasons Why Fostering Smiles Monitors Your Blood Pressure

Dental hygienists, being healthcare professionals, often see patients more regularly than their family doctors or nurse practitioners. As a result, we have a unique opportunity to identify early changes in health. The following list outlines six compelling reasons why it is crucial for dental hygienists to measure your blood pressure (BP).

  1. To screen for high BP

  2. To prevent a hypertension crisis

  3. To reduce adverse pregnancy outcomes

  4. To identify at-risk clients for a medical emergency

  5. To detect high BP early (limiting/preventing damage to body)

  6. BP readings are required for selecting the appropriate local anesthetics (freezing/numbing)

For more information about blood pressure from our BC Oral Health College click here.

Source: RDH Mag


Infection Prevention and Control at Fostering Smiles